Boy, you make some GREAT points about both 11 and 18. I certainly never even considered laying up to the left on 18 (I layed up on Saturday to the right and hit the green in two on Sunday). You're absolutely right: There's no reason to do so. Hmmmmm....
Yeah, I went for the green on Sunday and duffed it so I just cleared the hazard. I ended up about 80 yards out and the angle coming in was not nearly enough of an advantage to make me want to layup there. In fact, with the pin back left, I'd have preferred to be on the right side so I could hit into the green's slope rather than with it.
Maybe 11 would be made better if there was lay-up area to the RIGHT of the bunkers that guard the right side of the fairway from 115 all the way up to the green. Kind of a lay up OVER the bunkers and to the right of them -- make sense?
I think that makes a lot of sense from a playability standpoint, but I don't see enough of an advantage to laying up down the left to make it work from a risk/reward view. I fanned my layup just right of the first bunker on Saturday and ended up with a fine angle in out of light rough. If there was fairway over there I wouldn't even consider laying up on the left and bringing the hazard into play.
And, what's the story with the left fairway on number two? Is there any reason someone would play up that side? It makes the hole longer and the angle into the green is substantially worse. I didn't go up there, but it didn't look much wider either. Please enlighten me.