Good question.
I would say, I agree with you that dictatorships work best--however, this is coming from a control freak (damn Krauts!) so I suppose we should consider the source
In all seriousness, I think the dictatorship is a good thing. I agree that the architecture of a golf course can be changed for the worse with the changing moods of a green committee or Club President, offices that change hands on a regular basis. On the other hand, if we look at a club like, say, Champions, Jackie Burke has made it quite clear it's his way or the highway. I like this. Yes, people pay to get in, but with the understanding that they subscribe to his rules. If they don't like it, they can play elsewhere. Great.
How is Oakmont governed? Are there boards and committees? I ask because I know it was founded by, more or less, a dictator--and that was 90 years ago or so. What goes on today? NGLA?
Have there been examples of democracies at golf clubs that have successfully balanced the two; that is, maintaining architectural integrity while providing the membership a say?