The original Prince's was at Mitcham and was in existence in the 1890s when Hutchinson wrote his book. Golfer's Handbook give's foundation of Prince's as 1906.
There were 51 clubs founded in the British Isles in 1905 (Ireland still being London ruled at that time) of which Southerndown, Hermitage, Llandrindod Wells, Queen's Park, Verulam and Worthing are the best known in addition to Stockport.
Interestingly, the R&A's official list for 2005 centenaries does not mention Manning's Heath, although it is shown as that in R&A Handbook......
It's not frightfully important, but I should hate to overlook something seriously famous through ignorance. I think Beverly celebrates its centenary in 2007 - there was a felicitous chance meeting at Alwoodley when their common year of foundation became apparent. Ran was there to witness it!