Great topic, guys! The scorecard is part of the presentation.
As for the format, I like writing your name and scores all the way across the card the Ocean Forest card....prevents having to turn it over and/or around per 9.
As for the corners, I like them square, instead of rounded, it has an older look.
As for the size, I like a small to medium size cards with "portrait" dimensions .... folding on the left side.......not "landscape" formats ....folding over at the top.
As for the paper, I like very thick 30 lb. card stock paper, perhaps coated -- on the exterior only.
As for the ink, I like it charcoil in color like Yeamans Hall.....else a very dark green, like Augusta.
Simple front with name, date, and architect.
Pencil slits are old timey.....shows you promote walking...a good thing.
Copperplate font looks very distinguished!