Yes we have one, and of course, it varies a bit from job to job.
Most specs are divided into sections as follows:
Invite to Bid
Instructions to Bidders
Bid Forms
General Conditions (ususally AIA based covering typical construction issues. Sometimes cities have their own)
Supplemental Conditions - modifying AIA for both golf and the specific Project
Speical Conditions - usually schedules, and other unique project items
Tech Spex - Covering How to clear trees, put up erosion fence, move earth, build Greens, Tees, etc. install irrigation, drainage and cart path, plant grass, and clean up the job,etc.
My specs run several hundred pages. I like to think its very specific and among the best in the biz. Of course, almost every gca likes to feel the same thing. When I was membership chairman of ASGCA, I got to view several sets of specs as part of the process. I am definitely in the upper half!
Most are too general by my standards, but I managed to gleam a few good ideas from many specs. If I had to name names, I would say that Perry Dye actually had the best set of specs I saw, which seems odd, considering that his Dad would probably have the worst.......