Assuming your building a course in the south with Bermuda fwys.
The hybrids, 328, 419, tifsport…all form a fine textured, high density turf that can be mowed very tight. But, they are prolific thatch producers and require a lot of inputs to be properly managed…that is, play fast.
The seeded varieties are not as fine, although some are considered fine textured, produce much less thatch and require less fert and water.
Seeded type is less then half initial cost and much easier to grow in, and repair when needed.
Usually seeded types are only used when money is an issue. When a course will be regularly overseeded the hybrids are almost used as they transition better than the seeded types.
In my case money is not an issue and we will not be overseeding. I believe I can have a more consistently firm and fast course over the long haul with a seeded type vs the “better” hybrids.
So do you go with the "conventional" thinking and use a hybrid that produces a very fine playing surface but may play a bit softer, or use a seeded type that will be a tad bit courser, but can be maintained as a firmer surface? Any thoughts?