For the record, I did not think it was you, I said I don’t know who.
As for the on going dislike for me, that is your choice. You started this, when I e-mailed you months ago to try to pour oil on troubled waters you used strong language and make it clear of your position, telling me to stop e-mailing you which I did. I again am happy to hold out the olive branch, but I will not sit back while you have a go at any members of my family either dead or alive.
This site is about golf course architecture and Old Tom is or was a major designer. His name will come up, as will other members of my family. Hunters, Morris & Rusack. My membership to this site is because of my family connections, however if the majority of Members want me off they just have to tell me I’m not wanted.
Its now totally down to you.
PS Richard, I understand your post but had it been porn that turned up with my grandchildren here this weekend, well I leave you to think that one out. My wife has just read some of the posts as she does from time to time and was not very taken by Kelly, asking if he is joking or is he serious, because if he is I don’t want you to have anything to do with him.