Why don't you reread what Ran Morrisssett posted on the "Discussion Group" section.
He set the rules or guidelines for discussion.
Ran clearly stated:
"A free access board for the discussion of golf course architecture related matters. [size=4x](note: non-architecture threads/posts are deleted)[/size]
You, and others have to ask yourselves, do you want to participate on this site according to Ran's rules, or do you want to disregard and contradict his stated guidelines ?
I'm not policing anything, I'm just reminding those who've forgotten, or have chosen to ignore Ran's stated purpose for creating the discussion forum.
If you and others want to create mindless OT threads, go ahead, but remember, Ran only permits a limited number of participants on this site, and there are a lot of individuals who are serious about golf course architecture, who enjoy contributing and discussing golf course architecture, that would like to gain access to this forum and take your place.
If you and others want to disregard Ran's wishes, have at it.
I have read it many times.
I am simply saying I have been on here as long as you have, and it would appear to me that this place has been relatively well received and successful. And there is a reason for that. It is (or at least has been) enjoyable to hang out here. So why fix it if it isnt broken. I think everyone on here is here because of their love of GCA (or they would likely be on a cooking DG or Scrapbooking DG). And everyone here is aware of the underlying theme of this place. And if Ran deems something "out of line" or too far "Off Topic" it goes away, always has, always will.
To suddenly decide that you (or I) or anyone eles other than Ran should be the Citizen Police and tell people what they can and cant post on here seems a little draconian. I would hate to see this place change from what made it successful.
When I first came in here granted there was a lot less traffic, but it was a very user friendly place. A place that welcomed in all comers and varying thoughts. I can just imagine how a new person who comes in here now would feel reading the tone of these "If your posts dont measure up to my personal standards of what a good thread is, then we dont need to hear from you!" It certainly doesnt make a newbie want to stick his/her head out to make their first post.
We always have been, and I hope continue to be a collection of people who enjoy GCA. But first and foremost "People". People who tend to have varying thoughts, tastes, likes and dislikes. I see the purging of any individual personality as this place becoming sterile, and cold. If I wanted a place to read pure, undiluted GCA theory only, I would just read one of the books on my shelf or buy some more. I like my GCA with a little bit of fun as well.
So again I say these threads have been going on since day one, and the site doesnt seem to be the worse for wear. I dont think anyone is purposely trying to "Disregard Ran's wishes" or subvert Ran's authority, quite the opposite I welcome it. He has done a great job of moderating this site since day one. But I dont think the heavy handed attitudes of others (not Ran from what I have seen) are good for the overall tone, and camaraderie.
I think if you look back at my history I have added a few useful threads over the years. Maybe my "Finally got to play Augusta" thread late last year didnt meet your architectural requirements, but several people on here seemed to find it entertaining, and that was the intent. And I also feel fairly confident you will find I have been an good citizen of GCA.com for all my years on here. Very rarely if ever have I flamed fellow citizens, or hi-jacked threads, etc. So if Ran thinks I would be better replaced with someone else so be it, I trust his judgement, its his site, and I will certainly miss it. But I dont think you need to Lord that over my (or anyone elses) head as a threat. If Ran bequeaths this site to you someday then that is different, but for now I guess I am just going to continue doing what I have done on here for many years, and I hope everyone else does as well.
I agree with you if I started to see a lot of threads like "Did you see last weeks LOST episode" they have no place here(and I would guess they quickly would dissapear) unless they discovered an abandoned course on the island. But I personally enjoyed the thread several years ago about Merions showers even though it had nothing to do with GCA. It never ceases to amaze me the depth and breadth of knowledge that we have on here. No more did we start discussing Merions showers, then someone who had intimate knowledge of the exact model of shower head and GPM statistics jumped in and added information. That was amazing. And I feel that much richer for reading that (and many other) thread that is not strictly pure GCA.
Patrick, I understand your concern that this place doesnt deteriorate into something different. I dont want it to change either I love it here. That is why to me it seems putting new restrictions on thread topic would do just that which I dont want to happen. I know a few years ago when we weathered the storm of intense flaming, and general deterioration of civility Ran handled it and we are all the better for it. But to change the overall tone of this site, is cutting off your nose to spite your face.
Changing this site, to avoid the site from changing is a self fulfilling prophecy.