Please check out the on-line archiving.
Go to USGA website
click on "About us" on the top bar
click on "Museum" in the menu
Click on "Library"
scroll down and click on "SEGL"
Comments and suggestions on the presentation, accessiblity, ability to manipulate the material are definitely encouraged.
The USGA has so far budgeted to do about 50,000 pages per year.
So far---
The entire run of Golf Illustrated is on there
American Golfer up to 1923
all of the USGA's holdings of two early American publications called GOLF and THE GOLFER.
Ths year they expect to complete--
The rest of the entire run of American Golfer
The full run of Golf Journal
In addition to the periodicals digitalized to date, they have digitialized---
More than 100 early (early being pre 1900) books
On some material, particularly later material all should understand that there are some complex copyright issues to be worked out before on-line digitalizing.
They are expecting some upgrades to the search engine soon as well as some discussions with the company about improved resolution for readability of photos etc.
There's far more going on within and around the USGA Museum/Library Dept than ever before with the planning and breaking ground for the huge new "Arnold Palmer History Center" that will be to the right side and behind Golf House.
I think the expected completion date is at some point in 2008.
There are some really good and sophisiticated researchers on here so keep the commnents and suggestions coming. In the final analysis this stuff is being done for you.
Also, if any of you know anything at all about the whereabouts of any kind of valuable or interesting collectable material to do with golf and particularly golf architecture that may be floating around out there somewhere put it on here. The USGA will monitor this site and they are very interested in all this and appear to be ready to ramp things up with the coming on-stream of this Arnold Palmer History Center that gives them so much greater ability of bring in, display and deal with all this kind of valuable and interesting material.
I'd like to see them be the world's best repository of all this kind of material and I know you would too.