I think this question becomes one that has so many variables, that it becomes very difficult to provide a good response.
The answer is rather course and wind strength specific.
Links courses clearly benefit from the supply of wind, as do most courses IMHO,however there comes a point at which it ruins the nature of the game.
Once one gets in excess of 25/30 miles an hour winds, all courses lose any of their functional design features and the game becomes more of a guessing game, beyond the control of the design team.
I feel that once you get into the realms of 4 and 5 club winds, the course becomes unintersting as the day becomes nothing but survival, and to me that really is not much fun.
I have played Pacific Dunes 3 times in varying degrees of wind, from a very gentle breeze to winds in excess of 30 miles an hour..and I truly believe it was a better course in teh slight breeze than the out of control wind.
Not simply because I obviously played better, but there became this point at which all of Doak's architectural features were no longer features at all.