...well at least they were new to me!!!
Sitting here on the couch...day 3 of recovery from hernia surgery with nothing better to do than watch old movies and surf for anything interesting golf related. I ended up taping two episodes of the Wander Golfer show on the Fine Living channel today.
The episodes?
One on Riviera where our buddy Mr. Geoff Shackelford gets a bit of airtime explaining the strategic elements of the tenth at Riviera (timely!) and a quick tour of Rustic Canyon and a hole there which is an "ode to the tneth at Riv". Pretty good stuff!!!
The other episode was focused on Bandon Dunes, but must have been shot a while back as they only talked about Bandon Dunes and Pacific Dunes and Bandon Trails was either still being built or just opened. They spent a few moments with Bill Coore, and some nice views of both Bandon and Pacific. The town of Bandon looks quite quaint. Not enough coverage of the courses (other than the many bunkers on Pacific the host Chad was in!), but neat to see nonetheless as I'll be making my first pilgrimage there later on this year.
Hey...I've got an idea! How about a "take-off / spin-off" show that I could host. We could call it "The Wandering Jew...Golfer". The tagline could be "taking my people to the promised golf land". Ahhhh, maybe not...

I think I've been couped up in this house a bit too long...couple this dang recovery with six inches of fresh snow on the ground and I ain't doin' so well............