Again, I fail to see how anyone with enough brains to suceed in society could confuse a professional society with a state licencing situation....
As to using ASGCA for sales, I have interviewed in Florida where all public interviews are taped. We all mentioned ASGCA, and all got zip reaction from the committee. My perspective is that it doesn't help all that much, compared to demonstrating how you are going to solve their problem. It may help in getting me to the interview, or getting on the original list of candidates.
For that matter, I have always believed that spending even one minute talking about the qualifications of other candidates doesn't sell. Dissing them in even the slightest way is so off putting to committees (in a way, you are dissing them for their lack of intelligence in selecting interviewees) that it is a kiss of death for getting the job.
So, even if AIA or ASGCA members have used those letters to sell, I doubt it is successful often enough for anyone to worry about. If five teams interview, four are always going to come away unhappy. And half of those might be prone to sour grapes. If we assume that selecting bodies, public or private, are at least reasonably intelligent (although selecting a gca is usually more emotional than logical) then they ususally make the right decision for them, even if all five teams are about equally qualified.
Usually, the losers failed to establish relationships, didn't research the project well enough for the interview, and/or gave a bad presentation. Or, their work isn't as good, or extensive enough to be selected. Human nature being what it is, it couldn't be THEIR fault they didn't get the project, so they blame things like AIA, unfair tactics, etc. But those sour grapes usually are a bit delusional.
Just MHO, but I am pretty sure I'm right in most cases.