Ok fellas, time to cough up the goods. Tell me about your collection of digital images.
I have been collecting for about seven years now. My Cypress Point folder alone consists of over 150 images, most of which are a good sized resolution.
I have always thought that what the internet needs is a grand data base where someone could peruse full sized images of all the great courses of the world. The obvious problem is copyright, but it's not like the stuff isn't out there anyways. How about a website where you all donate your stuff and we do it!!!
So, for the sake of my morbid curiousity, tell me about your collection. I know I am not the only guy here who is doing it. I know you, Tommy N. have an impressive filing system on that machine of yours. What about you Shivas, Redanman, Ran, N. Regan, Rood, etc......
I would be willing to mail someone a cd of everything I've got if they are interested. It eats up a whole 700 mb cd.