Doug, first of all I would STILL have to be able to EXECUTE. You do not shot 66 solely because of equipment.
The game still requires the ability to putt and chip. The game still requires a consistant, solid swing.
I get the impression that 99% of the "anti-new technology" people think everyone hits the ball 350 yards and straight as an arrow when they pick up a Nike golf ball and the SQ driver.
Do you seriously think that you and I (and I have no idea how good a golfer you are) could play Pine Valley, Merion, AGNC, or any other classic course and render it obsolete? I doubt it.
Craig [and Brent]
First of all, my example to do with equipment that would let you shoot 66 was a hypothetical. I'm not suggesting such a thing is possible. It was just a response to you saying that hitting it further and straighter is fun, and by extension that technology improvements are good. So would technology that let you score lower (which is really the end goal of competitive golf) also be a good thing to you? I mean, it'd be fun to shoot 66, right, but would shooting 66 mean anything if the skill required wasn't anything like what it is today?
Think about it this way. You say you still have to EXECUTE, that's fine. Well, 25 years ago hitting a persimmon driver into a 25 mph wind with whatever ball available then you cared to play, the requirements on EXECUTION were far higher than they are today with a modern driver and modern ball in the exact same conditions. Hopefully you agree with that (if not, don't bother reading further, because there's no hope for you

) So unquestionably, the need for EXECUTION has been reduced, in at least this one aspect of the game.
Now I'm not suggesting that any possible technology, even if the USGA eliminated all rules about equipment design, could make me shoot 66 on PV with my game, that's way too much to ask for a mid single digit handicap. But if, hypothetically, that was possible, do you think it would be a good thing?
Now if Tiger was then shooting 55 with the same equipment, he'd still be much better than me, so is improved technology reducing the need to EXECUTE okay with you if it reduces the skill requirement for everyone by an equal amount? What if it only helped Tiger get down to 62, so that if I caught him on a good day for me and a bad day for him, I could beat him? Surely every golfer in the world would have to agree that would be an intolerable situation that would truly be the ruination of the game!
I'm stunned at Brent Hutto's response to my earlier post, and I'm hoping I've misread it. Otherwise I think there's no hope for the poor guy, and he certainly must have missed the irony in the Twilight Zone plot summary I posted after it