Everyone talks about deception and repeat play as if they hit their ball in the identical spot every time they play a hole, and that the course is set up the same every day and that weather and turf conditions are the same every day.
What a croc !
I want to know how a guy, who's playing NGLA for the second time, who sliced his ball far to the right on the second hole the first time around, knows how to play the shot from the left side of the fronting bunker sixty yards short of the green to a hole located:
A five paces from the front of the green.
B five paces from the back of the green
C five paces from the right of the green
D five paces from the left of the green
E in the center of the green
The genius and beauty of the hole is that there are a variety of acceptable ways to play the shot and a number of ways NOT to play the shot, and having played the hole once or a dozen times won't necessarily enlighten you.
I could say the same thing about almost any hole at NGLA and other courses.
Many on this site also assume perfect execution, as if, having a general idea on how to play a shot will result in the perfect shot, never stopping to consider the consequences for the degrees of imperfect execution, which should be factored into shot selection in the first place.
If everybody's so smart after their first round at a golf course, why isn't there a steady progression of lower scores every time they tee it up subsequent to their first round