In case you're interested, here's the URL for the full study presentation. is actually kind of old news...came of of the Golf 20/20 meeting a couple of months ago.
By the way, the suggestion that Digest or anyone else "skewed" the results of this survey to make GCSAA happy practically made me crap my pants laughing. Great organization, wonderful people but, to put it very crudely, Golf Digest (or the networks, or the Tour) wouldn't bother to piss on GCSAA if they were on fire.
These kind of results are nothing new. Virtually every golfer satisfaction study done in the past couple of decades indicates that "conditioning quality for the dollar" (or some variation on that idea) ranks first among golfer expectations.
In short, the average player wants Dom Perignon conditions for the price of a bottle of Mad Dog. No different than any other consumer.
With all due respect, you guys are like the children in Garrison Keillor's Lake Wobegon: all above average. For example, I'll bet that nearly everyone who reads this has a relatively current USGA handicap well under 20. But, only a small percentage (way less than 10 percent, I think) of all 25 million mythical "players" are even registered on GHIN. And, even among those few serious players who carry a card, the average handicap is around 24 or 25. Bottom line: the huge majority of "golfers" are Joe and Susie Sixpack types who occasionally plunk down $12 to play nine holes are orgasmic if they break 50.
The moral of the story is...well, there isn't one. I just felt like being Mr. Reality Check this morning.
Yours from relatively balmy Cleveland...