George, I don't question your veracity but with equitable stroke contol and the overzealous way handicaps are generated how can your handicap remain at 22? I am a 5 and the last ime I looked at my scores almost half were over 80.
1) I haven't kept my handicap the last few years due to a lack of play (work, injuries, life intruding), so when I list my typical scores, keep that in mind.
2) When I was keeping my handicap regularly, I simply punched in my score at my home course. As JohnV will attest (he's seen my play there), it is a very playable course for everyone. I think the slope is something like 115. It is forgiving to the n-th degree. I played probably 90+% of my round there, and could routinely score in the low 90s.
Beyond that, I couldn't tell you whether my handicap index is even remotely accurate. I'm honestly not even clear which direction you're questioning. I'm inferring that you think it is artificially low, and I will say that based on my play the last few years, it is. When I was teeing it up regularly, I could post enough rounds in the 90s to keep it where it was.
* Just re-read your post for a fourth time, and now I think maybe you're saying my index is artifically high. I think this is probably due to the easy course that most of my scores were posted on. I'd tell you to ask others on board who've teed it up with me for an assessment, but I fear that if it comes out, I might have to pull out the sword and fall on it.
At least I play fast.
JohnV -
You're correct, in that you have to start somewhere when developing a course ratings formula. I guess my experience just tells me how difficult it is to "formulize" golf.
Tom D -
It's been awhile, but I wouldn't really call Inniscrone "unplayable", but, as I stated earlier to Kyle, it's certainly less playable than a lot of older courses.