I was one of the 20-odd present for the great hickory alternate shot match at Cuscowilla. I've said it many times and I'll say it again: that was as much fun as grown men can have playing the game. Good lord, what a blast.
BUT - anyone who says those clubs are not that hard to hit has rocks in his head. Sure, some great shots were hit - but man you had to WORK to make it happen. And the mis-hits were horrid. Easy to forget those as when they happened, the team picked up.
BUT ALSO - I too witnessed Ran play pretty damn good golf with hickories. He cleaned my clock. Of course that bet was won on the first tee given the obscene number of strokes he demanded, but he obviously can live with himself, so who am I to complain? He did play well.
What I just don't understand is the rationale behind playing hickories long-term. Hell I find it fun to do so and now own a few (sorry Dan, no lefties) and like to try other people's when I see them... But man the game remains hard enough with modern clubs for me that I get plenty of challenge. Dan, I also have seen you play and unless you got a LOT better during your inactivity, well... the game remains a challenge for you as well, and would if we allowed you 50 clubs in the bag. I mean this as absolutely no offense - it's the same for me.
I also travelled this road, carrying less than 14 clubs for awhile... it is fun to force one's self to invent shots... but after awhile, in the long term, if you are playing competitive matches and/or care at all about the outcome, well... you get tired of missing a "knock-down cut 3/4 7iron" when the shot called for an easy full-swing 8.
So what is the motivation to switch to hickory? In Dan's case, well he's made it clear he's pretty disgusted with American golf, and thus he likely just needs some motivation in the way of CHANGE to get out and play the game again. I can dig that. Hickories would be a good call for Dan. It just is pretty tough to find lefties.
But man, is the game really THAT easy for the rest of you that you need more challenge? Don't you hit creative shots even with modern clubs? And if the motivation is as Ran seems to indicate in his interview - to play a great golf hole like the Devil's Cauldron with a club it was MEANT to be played with - well how many of you really hit the ball that far so that this doesn't happen with modern clubs? No offense to Ran, but his hickory 5 iron would have been a modern 6 - I've seen the man play and he's no giant. So what does it matter what other monsters are hitting? Hell I don't hit the ball any farther than I ever have... 150 is a 7iron for me now, was when I was 13. OK, maybe that's bad in and of itself that geezer me can still hit the ball as far as I did when I was a limberback, but man it's not like I'm playing any golf holes shorter than they were intended....
I just don't get it. Maybe it is just me.
And remember, I like playing hickories and/or ancient steel blades and/or a shortened # of clubs in the bag - in the SHORT TERM, as a fun distraction. But over the long haul?
The modern sticks always come back, all 14.
What am I missing?