Super pictures, Jari. Thanks.
I always have thought that a light covering of snow highlights the real features of a golf course. Can any of you snowbound East Coasters/Mid Westerners get out and take some snaps of of some of our faves under the snow? You know what we mean, Pine Valley, Shinnecock, etc.
PS--it's 7 hours of daylight here in Fife and rising now that the Solstice has passed. 53 degrees today but overcast. Probably not good enough weather to take out the sticks, particularly since I haven't yet started my Christmas shopping....

Merry Xmas to all, even those of you who don't worship any god or worship one(s) which others think might be "wrong."
'Tis the Season to be Jolly, and Thoughtful, and Tolerant and Thankful.