It was apparent to most that your knowledge of the A&C movement does not go beyond what you read in my essay (accept, you did summer in a English vernacular cottage in Maine)...please do yourself and the rest of us a favor and go educate yourself....your wasting everyone's time and brain power."
No, Tom, I'm sorry but you're not going to get away with that retort on here any longer. Some may've thought that a year or so ago because of a remark like that on your part but few do any longer. Your essay is most certainly not what I learned and what I know and have known about the Arts and Crafts movement and how I feel about it's influence, or lack of it, on golf course architecture.
I've always known the Arts and Crafts Movement to a large extent, what it was, what it accomplished and who some of it proponents were, what their principles and beliefs were.
I lived in areas and aspects of that movement in America in many ways, and for what it was truly about. I grew up with it and understanding it and what it was and wasn't in the broad sweep of art forms and culture and societies.
I don't know who you are really--I've never met you, but to me you seem to be, and patently so, like some kind of insecure bookworm dreamer trying to make a reputation for yourself, some kind of striver to have others believe you are more than you really are intellectually and as a golf architecture historian. You think you know this stuff and understand what it was and who and what it really influenced by merely sticking your nose in old books, old magazines, old newspapers, in Hurzdan's library and museum now and again and plying the Internet?
You think you can seriously and credibly respond to people by constantly telling them they don't know this subject, by trying to impress them with what you've read, what you understand, what you've discovered?? You can't do anything of the sort. You can't do any of that----not on this website or with most of the people on here. You act like some kind of didactic discoverer of the truth of things that no one should dare challenge or question. That doesn't work on this website if you haven't noticed. Many of these people on here are far more informed than you think they are and far more informed than you are on many things to do with golf course architecture or even the facts and truth and extent of the Arts and Crafts Movement.
Will I write a rebuttal to your "Arts and Crafts Golf" essay? You bet I will and Ran will post it on here in the "In My Opinion" section.
I've read again about the A/C movement and all its propents and critics and observers. I've plied the Internet for days recently for all things to do with the Arts and Crafts Movement, all its proponents, founders, supporters, it's principles and goals, all those from whence it evolved, all things to do with similar and sympathetic movements and all their proponents, philosophies, goals, principles---you name it.
The Internet is an amazing place for the wealth and extent of its information but one needs to be careful and discriminating in what they find and read and believe on the Internet. The Internet has no real monitor or editor on what's put on it and the evidence of that is the fact that if one searches deep enough on the Internet for information on the Arts and Crafts Movement and the extent of its influence, one finds your essay on the Internet on GOLFCLUBATLAS.com entitled "Arts and Crafts Golf" describing the A/C Movement as the primary and significant influence on the golf course architecture of the Golden Age and Hutchinson as the "Father" of all golf course architecture.
Tom MacWood, that's what did it for me. That kind of information and that kind of extrapolated and theoretical crap I just don't ever want to see passed off as truth, as fact, and as historically accurate on the Interent or any other legitimate information source.
So you bet I'm going to write a rebuttal to your "Arts and Crafts Golf" essay and post it on this site's "In My Opinion" sectoin. The integrity of the history and evolution of golf course architecture deserves that, at least! And you can bet I will never cease questioning you and your revisionist statements about it on this website.