Thanks for the nod Kelly. We (Forse Design) are currerntly involved with four Park Jr. courses.
Calgary G & CC completed plan with restoration to begin in the fall of 06.
Glen Ridge C.C. (Glen Ridge, NJ) - just completed a complete restoration of the golf course with two rebuilt greens, 100+ bunkers, mounds, green expansions....... Worth checking out (not from a restoration standpoint but to truly see the genius of Park and his green designs and contours. This place is looked down upon because of road crossings and length but it truly is a great course because of Park and his greens).
Berkshire C.C. - (Reading, PA) Master Plan with some changes being made over time. An interesting course with good greens. What stood out at Berkshire "were" the bunkers. The old photos show very strategic features most of which do not exist, but the trees do now
New Haven C.C. - green and fariway expansions. Just getting started with this club. Ron has visited and said that the greens are also some of the best he has seen. Matt Burrows is doing fine there.
In our studies of Park we have seen that his greens and green surround designs may exceed the designs of other great "Golden Age" guys. The courses we are working on are typically shorter but that does not make them easier because his greens are pure genius. Large swells, rolls, ridges, humps and subtle slopes that you swear are going this way but are in fact going that way. I liken some of them to the work of Travis at Scranton.
Much like Flynn, where there are fewer bodies of work to study I believe Park is not given as much credit as being a great designer. If you study the photos of Maidstone (aerials) and Glen Ridge you see some wild bunker and mound combinations. We were unsure if the Glen Ridge bunkers were Park until we did some investigating. If I knew how we could post the photos.