My wife and I play the occasional Sunday fourball vs a nice younger couple ...
The Golden's?
Benz, Exactly! That's who I thought he was talking about!

If Mike Golden has turned to the use of a --AHEMMMM!--Distance Device, I'm going to have to have a word with him!
Pat, Nothing should ever stand in the way of reinstating the Stymie. NOTHING! Lets bring back some heart & soul to the game! Could you imagine laying up putts to get in another guys way?!?!?! (I could! It's called defensive golf!)
Tom, I sort of knew that was a planned match by the way Gib kept on saying, "It ain't right, pitting us two against one another!"
I wasn't buying into it!

My worse defeat however was one that finished me on team play for a long, long time.
My Mountain View Golf Club team was playing the dreaded Meadowlark team at Mountain View. I was team captain, and my opponent happened to be a man that had been battling brain cancer, and under his Panama hat, had a bandage wrapped around his head from a recent operation.
I quickly jumped out to the lead by four in the first six holes, and at #9, I was six up. #10 he kerplucked one into the water and I was 7 up with 8 to play. On the tee at #11, he came-up to me and complimented me on how competitive I was as a golfer (Probably the only person who has ever complimented me on that, and it just isn't true) but also added, "You know, it's great just to be alive and out here" and at that point, I didn't really know of the extent of his health problems--brain cancer. His partner then chimed in and said, You don't kow exactly what he has been through in the last year. It's a miracle he is alive, let alone playing golf" which of course instantly finished me.
I lost that 7 hole lead with 8 to play on the 17th, and then lost outright at the 18th when I four-putted from a pretty difficult spot.
I simply felt so bad for the guy and let my sentiments get the best of me. To make matters worse, he had to come-up to me at the end of the round and tell me how sorry he was that he had even mentioned his health problems to me. My lost points even ended up costing us the team match!
I've never been the same at Match Play since!