If you begin with the Pelz claim that no one (not Tiger, not no one) sinks putts over 20 feet on a regular basis, the key to scoring should be hitting approaches inside that circle.
Tiger won the Grand Slam by a big margin. Which means, if the Pelz claim really holds water, Tiger must have hit more approaches inside that circle than the other players. (Again, because only from inside that circle do you have a statistical chance of making a many birdie putts.)
Well sure as horses eat corn, that's just what Tiger did.
Tiger blew away they other three players in proximity to the hole (a) from 100 - 125 yards and (b) from 125 - 150 yards. (Only Mickelson came close and then only in the (b) range. But then Phil did finish second and well ahead of Campbell and Singh. Which is further confirmation of the Pelz thesis about makeable putt ranges.)
Combine that stat with the distance stats and the result is that Tiger's extra length gave him more of exactly the kinds of short approaches that he was much better at anyway. (Put differently, even if he drove the ball the same distance as the others, he wins on his superior short approach play alone.)
That package of length and skill at short appoaches is absolutely lethal. Just brutal. If those stats say what I think they say, Tiger should win by huge margins over the next best players in the world. Which, as it turned out at the Grand Slam, he did.
The correct (and counter-intuitive) lesson from Pelz's yeoman research is not to work on your putting. You should work on your driving distance so you can get more 125 yard approaches. Those are the only kinds of approaches that even world class players can hit regularly inside 20 feet.