Patrick, you're right that opinions fluctuate. That's a very good reason not to tinker with existing courses. I don't think it's a good reason not to evaluate those courses against the benchmark of what else could have been done with the property.
Absent all of the facts relating to the genesis of the golf course, it's design and construction, everything is pure speculation with no substantive foundation for evaluating what was built versus what could have been built.[/color]
You say that thought experiment is mental masturbation. I think evaluating the pros and cons of the approach taken at Pebble Beach (or Merion or Kiawah or any other course) is a great way to understand what features one wants in new courses and to understand how the way people think about architectural choices has changed.
I don't think every time we try to do that it should be dismissed with admonitions about the futility of redesign.
Sure it should.
Absent ALL of the substantive FACTS surrounding the genesis, design and construction of the golf course you can't begin to make intelligent commentary.[/color]
ANGC's purpose has morphed and is more focused on showcasing a Major Tournament each year, and as such, is a bad example, or a good example, depending upon your perspective.
Jay Cox,
A perfect example would be Sebonack, a golf course recently conceived, designed and built.
Despite its proximity to today's date, we still know very little about the details. The permiting process, the desires of the owner and architectural team.
We could also speculate as to what would have happened if another designer was hired, or another developer was successful in acquiring the property.
You might think that a hole would be improved if it were modified in a certain way, but, if it couldn't be modified due to permiting restrictions all of your theorizing would be mental masturbation.
I liken the exercise to fantasy football, it's mental masturbation. But, if you want to indulge in it, feel free to do so.
I'd rather discuss how holes that WERE altered or disfigured could be restored.
Many have mentioned an alternate fairway on # 17 at Pine Valley. I'd be interested in learning how it faded away and what's the club's position on restoring it.