> Golf Course Architecture Discussion Group

Caledonia #9

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Tim Gavrich:
Michael W--
Mea Culpa.  I must say, however, that when I've played the course, the back tees have never been longer than 145-150.  Perhaps I was exaggerating, but I still believe that the front half of the green is a little too wide.

Also, I have rarely seen the pin in the back (or the left, depending on where you look from) on TB14, and there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of movement in the tees, which is unfortunate.  This could contribute to my disappointment with the hole.  I'll certainly reevaluate my position the next time I play it.

Michael Whitaker:

--- Quote from: Tim Gavrich on November 21, 2005, 10:07:20 PM ---I'll certainly reevaluate my position the next time I play it.

--- End quote ---


Andy Hughes:
Here is how 14 at True Blue looked a few months ago:

One of my partners just barely missed the green right, and was dumped into a tiny, deep bunker.  The pin was in the back portion that day.

Brent Hutto:
I think Andy's photo somewhat flattens out the up-and-down dimension of the hole. My memory from one time playing it is that there's quite a drop from the tee to the green, maybe 20 feet or so. Or is just the right-hand teeing area higher?

Tim Gavrich:
Now why don't they put the tees over there when I play?! ;)

That shot is significantly more interesting than from the right half of the teeing area.  When the pin is in the back, it's a good hole.  But from any tee, I still believe that the front portion of the green is neither small enough nor undulating enough for my taste in that short a hole.

For Two-portion greens at TB, I like the third better.  The different parts of the green are in better proportion to the length of shot needed, and I think it's the toughest one-shotter at TB.


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