> Golf Course Architecture

Caledonia #9

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--- Quote from: Brad Klein on November 19, 2005, 07:33:43 AM ---I think some of this thread misplaces the problem with the 9th. As a little tiny shot to a shallow green, it's a tricky hole. You think it should be easy but it's not esp. with any wind in the air.

But I think the perception of "weakness" regarding Caledonia's 9th emerges from its location in the routing. You have a long way to go from the 8th green to 9th tee, and then after finishing at the 9th green you double back, partially retrace your steps, and go to 10th tee. So I think it's the positioning and direction of the hole that is more annoying - or disjointed - than the hole itself. If ever a par-3 were shoe-horned in, this is it, and I've always thought it felt like it played in trhe wrong direction considering how 8 and 10 run. Not that I think the current routing offers much room by way of a better alternative that is evident. So I see it as evidence of a clumsy routing, not as a weak hole to play.

Having said that, I still love Caledonia.

--- End quote ---

Thanks for doing a much, much better job of what I tried to say in #3 above.  This may explain why you write for a living now, and why I'll remain in the classroom. :)

Yannick Pilon:
I think Brad nails it.

That brings me back to my comment.  Is the hole there just because there was a nice opening through the trees and it fitted there regardless of the location of 8 and 10?  I think the backdrop is not as nice behind the tees....

Guess we'll probably never know.  What a shame this guy is dead! IMHO, he was a genius....

Michael Whitaker:
Sean - Here's a look at #9 from above.

The left half of the green is a sort of bowl, with most shots gathering to the center. The right half of the green slopes up from the left to a plateau in the back.

Note that the hole plays to a maximum of around 120 yards, but most play it in the 90-110 range.

The bunkers behind the green are hidden and are often quite a surprise to the first time player. This hole can be an easy par if you hit the green on the correct side. But, that is the rub... it looks so easy that if you don't par the hole you go away talking to yourself.

Thanks  Michael.  The green looks wider than The Road's #6.  perhaps it is an illusion.  Looks like the prime pin location is in the pinching middle.  Is this part of the green slightly raised from the left and right parts?

One aspect that looks cool is the waste area coming all the way back to the tee.  It would look even better if the green was cut all the way to the waste area.  Eliminate the collar.



Brad Klein:
Caledonia is shoe-horned in so tightly that Strantz could not route 18 holes on the original land and had to get the owner to purchase an additional 5-acre parce just for hole no. 1.

I'm not criticizing Strantz, I think he's a genius for having made the site work. But when you look seriously at the entire land plan, you see how compressed it is. I think that says more than anything about hole no. 9. It practically sits in the parking lot.


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