"And the son of a gun sniffed him out immediately."
I didn't want to have to tell you but I'm six steps ahead of you birds at all times. AT ALL TIMES!
On a lighter note, you'll have to come over and see the 7th at GMGC, it's not the same as it was in 2000. Much better now. If you ask me there're a number of places at my course where the better angle is probably in the rough. I don't think it's a huge deal but better nonetheless. Unfortunately that lughead Donald Ross may've missed some of those ideal angles.
Of course there's the 16th at Pacific Dunes that Ran discovered by far the best angle to approach the green is right where some irrigation box or whatever is way out in the left rough. And we can't forget that Ran also discovered that a part of the 14th and 15th At Sand Hills that's now in rough should have fairway melded together for an interesting angle both ways. Ran was going to ask Bill Coore if he realized that by not melding those two fairways together in that spot he completely blew what otherwise could've been a world class golf course. I think Ran thought I'd freak out or something but I said; "Oh no, that would be a great question to ask him." I'll have to ask him if he's asked Bill that question yet.
Another area of rough that would be an ideal angle of approach is behind the 4th green at your own couse--HVGC. Put that areaa behind #4 in fairway (well maybe I should say a fairway length tee) and you'd have an ideal angle of approach to the 5th green. Of course you'd have to remove a considerable amount of trees too, but that's no big deal!
Approaching the 18th green at PVGC from the lower parking lot would be a great angle too. I know that's not in rough, but what the hell it probably was at some point and when you have a great angle like that who the hell needs a lower parking lot? Oh, I know, I know, you're wondering how someone would get down there from the present tees. Don't worry about that for now---I'll work that out and get back to you.