Tom P,
Once again you are missing my point. There is a big difference between someone who is clueless and someone who just really doesn't care. You haven't figured out the difference

and what I mean by 99%. This is not arrogance, this is just common sense!
You yourself said that for most of your golfing career, you never bothered or cared to look at the architecture of the courses you were playing. You said were just focused on your score and your golf game. It wasn't until recently that you became so infactuated with golf architecture that now you hardly even play anymore. How quickly we forget don't

Think about that for a while and maybe you will finally get my point!!
I can't continue to argue about the GD stuff because I don't have the time and you have your mind set on that and it's not worth the effort to get you to change. Missed opportunity I'm afraid. I think you are the one who is coming across as arrogant in that all panelists just wait for someone knowledgable to tell them where to play.
One thing you also don't appreciate is the confidentiality that GD panelists, and I presume other panelists as well, need to abide by. I can't provide a copy of my detailed review to the courses I review so I sure better not post it on the internet!
I say what I can say but I can't be as candid as I might like. Many panelists don't participate for this reason alone. Some said to much and are no longer on the panel

and we unfortunately know one of them.
Better think back to where you were 5 or so years ago before you make some more of your comments

By the way, I enjoy a good debate (at least some of the time).