Jason Topp,
Green Budgets run about 1,000,000 to 1,250,000 at most clubs in the Metro NY area.
I don't know of one club that makes money in their kitchen-dining facility.
The revenue you cite of 1,600,000 would be inadequate to maintain any operation.
Your number only deals with operational budget requirments.
And, doesn't include taxes, insurance, employee benefits and other operating expenses..
How are you paying for capital budget requirements, like acquiring the land, building the golf course, building the maintainance facility and building the clubhouse ?
A decent maintainance facility will cost you $ 1,000,000.
Land acquisition ?
Club House ?
Golf course ?
Irrigation system $ 1,000,000
Your fantasizing and your cost estimate of dues and intitiation fees totaling $ 3,200 to cover all capital and operating expenses is far off the mark.
Ask your club for a copy of their operating and capital budgets, anyalyze the numbers, then report back to us.
I think you'll be surprised and enlightened.