To cover what Tom Paul referrenced earlier about the distances different levels of players hit the ball, from my observations, taking the average PGA Tour player - The average Nationwide Tour player - and the top mini-tour players:
-The minitour players hit the ball the furthest (30 - 50 yards past me.
-Nationwide guys were next at 10 - 20 yards past me.
-I would be considered just above average in the PGA Tour distance ranks.
1)I think it is fair to assume that the US Am match play competitors that turn pro will generally play on minitours.
2)This observation does not include the top PGA Tour pros(Tiger, Phil etc...), but does take into account actual statistics at the end of tournaments.
3)My conclusion is that the higher the level one reaches, the more ball control they must have. This lends itself to accuracy off the tee at the expense of distance.
From the World Golf Rankings 6 of the top 7 average over 300 yards. Of the next 20 or so, only two average over 300 and about half average under 290.
The arguments on here stating some lack of strength at Merion baffle me. The argument about shaping shots
- Todays equipment greatly limits the ability even if you try, and besides, where do you
HAVE TOwork the ball at any other Open course? Seven holes in a row with 5 or 6 really great holes and not a gimmie in the lot, #13 would prove the easiest with #10 close behind, but the variety of decisions and shot requirements make this stretch really good (and like Wayne said, you've got to take advantage here or else you really feel like you've let it go).
Tom Paul,
Really cool ideas about the fairways on 14 and 18. I never knew that about #14 fairway going over to the road. Obviously unlikely prior to a potential Open (that's where 5 of the 15 thousand people have to stand
) but I love the concept of great big wide fairways with center hazards (#14) or deceptive angle and playability from much of the fairway (#18) as you mention.
Steve Shaffer,
I was thinking the exact thing. Trouble with all of us voicing our opinions about what a private club and another private organization should do is that none of us have a say. Merion has its reasons for wanting a US Open, and the USGA apparently wants to host another Open there. What can we do as Philadelphia based golf fans? Hope for the best and see what happens.