I think much depends on your considerations from the approach as you think about the possibilities to a small green with perhaps fewer, but more straight forward options of play versus a larger green with assorted options surrounding the putting surface. So is it the choices golfers consider from the approach, or the choices they have on the green surface?
In a recent thread we have discussed the lack of strategic recognition by the majority of golfers. So, does it follow in this thread...who "really" thinks about their options standing in the approach when hitting to a small green with interesting contour protected by bunkers, and rough close to the surface, or a large green with shaved slopes, strategic/creative pinning area bunkers, no back drop, interesting internal contour, collection areas, chipping areas, and so on?
As Tom notes, a big green doesn't mean an interesting or a better green or one that actually has any "real" options for play. Often they are just big and yes they still create many three putts. Much depends on many other factors which have led the player to the green and whether or not their game has options offered to them.
Honestly, do most golfers really know what to do with the options if they are there? Hell, they are usually happy to hit the green and stay on for a couple of putts, they'll worry about the "options" if they miss the green and for as many times as they do miss the green, you would think they would consider more of the options before they hit their approach shot!