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cary lichtenstein

My wife and I did 35 courses in 35 days a few years ago, driving from Duluth, Minn to Jupiter, Fl and playing 1 course each day.

It was way too much, my wife began hating me on her birthday, which was fairly early in the trip, in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan when I screwed up the hotel reservation and we had to stay at a Motel 6 for the night.

The sheets and mattress were vintage '56, the clothes rod broke in the back seat and every course we stopped at, the clubs would come tumbling out when we opened the back of the SUV.

I promised her that was our last big trip, but we just got back from New Zealand where we did 21 courses in 33 days...but now even I am saying uncle, my back will just not hold up anymore for these trips.

I guess I'll be looking for a job..............

Live Jupiter, Fl, was  4 handicap, played top 100 US, top 75 World. Great memories, no longer play, 4 back surgeries. I don't miss a lot of things about golf, life is simpler with out it. I miss my 60 degree wedge shots, don't miss nasty weather, icing, back spasms. Last course I played was Augusta

John Kavanaugh

My wife and I did 35 courses in 35 days a few years ago, driving from Duluth, Minn to Jupiter, Fl and playing 1 course each day.

It was way too much, my wife began hating me on her birthday, which was fairly early in the trip, in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan when I screwed up the hotel reservation and we had to stay at a Motel 6 for the night.

The sheets and mattress were vintage '56, the clothes rod broke in the back seat and every course we stopped at, the clubs would come tumbling out when we opened the back of the SUV.

I promised her that was our last big trip, but we just got back from New Zealand where we did 21 courses in 33 days...but now even I am saying uncle, my back will just not hold up anymore for these trips.

I guess I'll be looking for a job..............


Could I get you to write the foreward for Brian's rater guidebook?  Did you see where Golfweek managed to squeeze out Lakota Canyon?

David Neveux

I'm still paying for that 54 hole trek our last day at BANDON!!!  I think the real story is what went on around the golf!!!  Brian any thoughts on the little town of Cour D lane? ;)

Brian Cenci

I'm still paying for that 54 hole trek our last day at BANDON!!!  I think the real story is what went on around the golf!!!  Brian any thoughts on the little town of Cour D lane? ;)

I have bad memories of Coure D'Alene that I care not to remember or rehash.  Between the Bates Motel, the sobreity test, the "bathing suit" club, driving the wrong way down a one way street and getting a ticket, and the other "issues" I care not to go back, nor repeat the story.  That's 5 hours of your life that you donated to your boy talking to tatoo parlor.  "Oh my god!"


John Kavanaugh

I'm still paying for that 54 hole trek our last day at BANDON!!!  I think the real story is what went on around the golf!!!  Brian any thoughts on the little town of Cour D lane? ;)


Would you object to a semi-fictional account where you are involved in a love triangle that ends in murder suicide?  I think that might sell.  How is it going knowing that your roomie and golf mate is off to marry his gal?  What kind of taste does that leave in your mouth, metaphorically speaking.

David Neveux


It all depends on who's involved in the LOVE TRIANGLE?  If it's me Natalie Gulbis and Paula Creamer, sure why not.  I think Brian and I were both contemplating the murder of one another by the end of that trip.  As far as the marriage goes, I'm all for it!!  Michelle is a good person with an understanding of how much golf he plays and how much it means to him.  That being said I can see her cashing in on various spa treatments around the country starting in 09.  She earned my approval before I even really know her when I received a call on Christmas morning letting me know she had bought him a round at PEBBLE BEACH!!!  But then I thought, woa, wheres my round? 

P.S. I think that Brian would really love to have you come to wedding and rate various things about it.  I'm sure he could use your input on D.J., Food Service, Decoration, Tuxedo's etc.  On second thought, maybe not!!!! ;D

Tom Yost

Re:Comments from a Golf Trip - 16 days, 23 rounds, 7500 miles of driving
« Reply #56 on: March 17, 2008, 07:26:31 PM »
RJ: Funny you mention that.  Got a ticket for going wrong way on a oneway at 2:30 in the morning with two girls stuffed in the passenger seat of the corvette.  Cop was not friendly and gave me a ticket and I had to take a sobriety test, which I passed.  Place had trouble written all over it.

Sounds like a fun trip.  Aren't you the guy that mentioned "fiance" and "honeymoon" on another recent thread about Maui ??    ::)


John Kavanaugh


It all depends on who's involved in the LOVE TRIANGLE?  If it's me Natalie Gulbis and Paula Creamer, sure why not.  I think Brian and I were both contemplating the murder of one another by the end of that trip.  As far as the marriage goes, I'm all for it!!  Michelle is a good person with an understanding of how much golf he plays and how much it means to him.  That being said I can see her cashing in on various spa treatments around the country starting in 09.  She earned my approval before I even really know her when I received a call on Christmas morning letting me know she had bought him a round at PEBBLE BEACH!!!  But then I thought, woa, wheres my round? 

P.S. I think that Brian would really love to have you come to wedding and rate various things about it.  I'm sure he could use your input on D.J., Food Service, Decoration, Tuxedo's etc.  On second thought, maybe not!!!! ;D


I thought it was obvious that the triangle is you, Brian and a girl.  It's all good.

Josh Smith


         You mean you played 54 at the Bandon resort one day and drove to Coure D'Alene that night and played 18 holes there the following day. 

          How much driving is that.  I've played 54 at Bandon before but driving that far after that is surely crazy.

          Did you take any vivarin or no doz?

Great trip.  Congrats.

Brian Cenci


         You mean you played 54 at the Bandon resort one day and drove to Coure D'Alene that night and played 18 holes there the following day. 

          How much driving is that.  I've played 54 at Bandon before but driving that far after that is surely crazy.

          Did you take any vivarin or no doz?

Great trip.  Congrats.

     No, we played 54 at Bandon, drove to Salem, then drove the next day and played near Coure D'Alene.  Next day we got up drove and played Old Works.  That night we drove through the night across Montana and played Link of North Dakota and then Hawktree in the same day.


Norbert P

  I'm working on a sort of "short story" / article regarding some of my golf treks across the country.  I'm looking for some "friendly" advice.

 How about a TV series?

Get your kicks on Route 66 !
"Golf is only meant to be a small part of one’s life, centering around health, relaxation and having fun with friends/family." R"C"M
