Thanks for that technical info on "optimization". One of the scary things about this young Nebraskan, John Hurley, is for a golfer with a "ball speed" that high it doesn't really seem he's getting maximum distance out of it.
To think it may even be likely that noone has actually "optimized" him and what it could do if they did is sort of scary. After all he's only just finished his junior year in high school.
About half way through the practice round yesterday I asked his Dad who taught him how to play and he said he did. I asked his Dad how good a player he was and he said not very good, maybe an 8-9 handicap who took up golf on someone's advice for something to do sports-wise as an adult since he was such a dedicated high-school and college football player and track and field guy. His Mom who says she follows young John everywhere says she doesn't play golf.
I asked him who it was who was caddying for him in the Nebraska State Amateur and he said it was his new high school coach who they say seems very good. His Dad mentioned he's seen a professional teacher but they mentioned since he started seeing him maybe less than a year ago the two have only logged a total of 15 hours together.
But the kid looks like a real natural to me---big and tall and rangy with that solid, sinuy musculature. And with that he seems to have that "quick snap" ability something like Tiger Woods. And all that with a backswing that doesn't go anywhere near parallel.
Yesterday at Merion he did hit some shots both right and left with any club through the bag and he hit a couple of irons fat too that still went extraordinary distances. For instance off the new tip tees on the 17th from slightly less than 250 he blocked a 4 iron onto the old 18th tee but hole high, then took a 5 iron and sort of blocked that right too but pin high!
There's somethng else about him I noticed in Nebraska and yesterday too. He seems to carry his chin pretty near his chest. Today I might mention he should just try to pick his chin up a tad and who knows---that might free him up even more. A scary thought indeed.