Let's just leave at that- we disagree about the architectural merits of Cypress Creek.
Translation: I respect your opinion, but disagree.
If you really believe Cypress Creek is a top 100 American layout then you must be drinking some really potent water. Let me know if there's a nearby distributor in the greater NYC metro area. 
Translation: You're an idiot.

I've been a part of this Discussion Group for 6 years now, and I have long sensed that you feel that you don't get your due respect for your architectural knowledge and opinions.
I for one do respect your knowledge and opinions, and have enjoyed several back-and-forths with you. And I respect the amount of time and effort you have put in to traveling to see a wider variety of courses than just about anyone.
But you still don't seem to realize that most of the time when people criticize you, they aren't criticizing your knowledge or opinions about architecture--they are criticizing your
delivery of those opinions.
How can people respect you as a critic of GCA if you basically piss all over their opinions?
You have no chance of gaining the widespread respect you think you deserve until you start showing some respect for opinions different than yours.
No chance.
I hope you can adjust your approach because I think you have so much more to contribute than just being a part of a pissing match. Witness your Return to Black Mesa thread that was an interesting, (and for the most part) civil discussion that went pretty deep and lasted a long time (months in fact).