Nice one Brian – I’ve right-clicked-and-nicked that Bauer sketch. I’d uploaded my Redan snaps so may as well post them anyway.
This is the grass/sand combo bunker in August 2004 from an angle further right. You can just see the cleft beneath which is the sand.

Whatever you think of the bunker it is, and was (?) unseen from the tee. This is the view you get at 5’8”:

From casual Googling the military history I think it’s this ‘outer defence’ (the bunkers with ‘face 7ft high’ on the Bauer plan) that got the hole the name Redan. Ironic, as the short bunkers seen from the tee above shouldn’t really affect the play of the hole today (and are they regarded as an essential element of US Redans?)
Back in the day the Redan must have been quite an obstacle. Deep enough for a child to hide in (She did. Completely invisible if you weren’t standing on the edge. Oh, how we laughed.). Looking back to the tee.

Once you get there the subtle slopes could be tricky but I thought the greens were very slow. Bet they get them running quick for the big members’ comps though.