The resurrection of holes 2, 6 and 7 were somewhat compromised by modern permitting and the driving range.
You're right about number 7, the 2 crossing streams create issues for high and low handicap players. From the back tee with no wind I hit 3-wood and keep it short of the second creek, especially on the shorter left side. The pros would have to hit irons leaving them with a medium iron (200 yards) to a severely sloped back to front green. It is not so bad to take driver out of their hands on this hole.
With the wind, it is more difficult since it it is rough on the far side of the second stream making driver not an option to clear.
Most think 2,6 and 7 are a bit problematic and I agree somewhat. There are solutions to the quirk of number 2 with the environmental area on the left. I'm getting together with Jim Sullivan, Jr. and Scott Anderson on Wednesday to further the idea we came up with. I think the bunkering on 6 should reflect the original Flynn green which is now part of the driving range. Rather than 2 bunkers on the left, one on each side of the green. Even if 2 were left as is, it is quirky but it and 7 are really all the quirk, everything else is out in front of you with the challenges evident.