Bunkers originated as natural sandy "blow-outs" or naturally occurring sandy patches or hollows.
Over time, the bunker has become its own entity; an abstraction of it's natural origins. Some architects endeavor to recreate the natural type of sandy blow-out, but the vast majority of golf courses have either the sod wall pot bunkers, or the smooth-sided amoeba-shaped type so prevalent in North America.
Why so little variation? Neither the amoeba-type bunker nor the pot bunker are the least bit natural in appearance, yet they are recreated over and over and over.
Here you have the opportunity to create an expansive area of glaring white sand in the middle of a great garden of perfect green grass, which many people may find themselves standing within, cursing the gods, a little white ball and everything in between - and so often, these bunkers are uninspired blob-shaped things which are based upon the long line of uninspired shapes which have come before them.
What's the deal?
Once in a while, you discover a bunker with a striking form, and it's such an unexpected pleasure - like the big bunker in the fairway at ANGC's 10th - Not outrageous in shape, but just enough creativity to give the hazard a memorable character. There are others - the church pews also comes to mind.
I understand that there are maintenance considerations, but surely one could stay well within them and still create an unlimited series of bunkers with real character.
To me, this seems like an area where architects could easily make some exciting and interesting new creations...
So why don't they?