By the way, as with New Haven CC, drying out a course can lead to significant turf loss when there is a predominance of Poa annua and the bentgrasess and fescues have not been fully or more extensively established. The transition phase is very dicey, in part because members get upset, and also because you don't have enough deep-rooting, cool season grasses that can readily withstand summer conditions. That helps explain the superintendent's reticence, namely that he might properly understand that on older courses with much Poa annua, transitioning is very complicated.
I agree, too many courses are overwatered, and too many clubs take the wrong approach. But grass types have a lot to do with this, as do inadequate irrigatio systems w/o adequate coverage. Ironically, you need a lot of heads on a multi-row basis in order to be able to use less water, and to do so more efficiently. Many overwatered courses are the product of having an inadequate irrigation systems where you have to thriow a lot of water down in order to get some to stick, esp. on marginal areas.
The only way to dry out a course is to tolerate some turf loss while promoting stronger grasses than can thrive under lean conditions. That requries turf renovation and improved irrigation.
By the way, Sebonack is real firm and the ball did roll out there.