I'm sure Mike will see this thread and respond, but....thanks! I was just out there today, and it looks better and better all the time.
The previous posters have done a nice job of highlighting some features such as hole length variations and bunkering. I think the topography will surprise anyone familiar with the Grand Rapids area. It's hilly, but not brutally so. But, some of the land forms are quite abrupt, making for some good opportunities for deception in club selection and reading of the greens. There is a lot of sand on the property, which allowed some dunes to happen on holes #5, 8 and 9. They tie in visually with sandy dunes off property, on a high horizon line.
Currently, bunkers are being edged, greens are being groomed and topdressed, and washouts that occured during grow in are being fixed and all the other things that normally happen before a course opens.
One thing that hasn't been mentioned here before is the irrigation water. It is coming from groundwater that is flooding the abandoned gypsum mines 150 feet below. The property doen't have any surface water, so the mine water was the only viable option other than buying municipal water. To make a long story short, this water is so high in dissolved salts that it literally defoliates the trees where water hits them. It's unbelievable considering the typical water quality in Michigan. I think it has slowed our turf establishment, and I'm thinking it really affects the bentgrass on greens and tees...both sand based soils. Instead of the normal wilting cycle one sees when a turf goes under drought stress, this turf just "checks out" quick. The superintendent has his hands full with this water.
As far as some of the routing over the land....well, Mike isn't afraid to find a 5 yard wide crown to a landform and declare it the landing area! Some fairways are wide and subtle, others will make you pick and choose where you want the ball to end up after it gets done rolling...because it won't stay on the line in which it was hit.
Thanks for the comments, and hopefully the golf course will be ready within the next few weeks or so. We'll keep y'all posted!