I recently played with a guy whose dad is a member of PVGC, Shinny, Winged Foot, and Westchester. It seems that 30 years ago it was much easier getting into these clubs. He played PV with a friend and a member for the first time, shot a decent but not outstanding score, and was told over drinks that he would be getting an invitation. This guy, a New Yorker with a new business and a young family indicated that he probably couldn't justify it, but changed his mind when the invitation was delivered and the initiation fee was but a couple hunderd dollars.
Another acquaintance played Shinny in the late 1970s with a business associate and with little or no due diligence, was immediately asked to join. His initiation fee was $200.
An older gentlemen I played this year married a daughter of the president of a hyper-exclusive top 10 club. He was made a member even before the marriage was consumated.
The caddie master at another well-known club was given a membership upon retirement in recognition of his many years of outstanding service.