I've been around this site for couple years, much of this time on a fairly regular basis. Like many green grass golf clubs, gca.com has developed a dominant personality. While a narrow definition of minimalism may not describe it accurately, there is definitely an affinity for tradition, the natural, the time-tested. At the same time, there is a corresponding suspicion of the new, the experimental, and the technological/scientific application of new thinking, methods, and techniques to gca.
For one who tries to put things into perspective, i.e. how individual things fit within the whole, I find it interesting that many of those who seem to have a narrow, somewhat anachronistic view of golf tend to look at politics and economics from a diametrically opposite direction. In other words, when it comes to TOC, don't you dare touch it. The Supreme Court or the Constitution? Dynamite the SOBs and make them reflect the zeitgeist. It makes one wonder where priorities are placed. For the record, this is just an observation- not a condemnation.
I've never felt shouted down on this site; perhaps at times ignored . The one thing that has bothered me is the back channel backbiting that has taken place on ocassion affecting me and a number of others. This is certainly not uncommon in terms of human nature and the order of things, but it does cheapen the otherwise fantastic venue for information, ideas, and friendships that this site certainly is.
I consider myself extremely lucky because I can thoroughly enjoy the widely different work of numerous architects. On my last trip I played courses by Fazio, Smyers, Weiskopf and Morrish, Dye, Macdonald and Raynor, Tillinghast, and Ross. Not a single less than excellent course among them. Also, not one which is objectively without fault. Perfection not being one of my traits, I do not feel compelled to expect it whether on golf courses, political systems, or individuals.
Another thing that I have found interesting on this site, is the grouping of respondents not necessarily based on the subject matter, but on who is in on the discussion. Sometimes it is regional, but often not. There is one or two gentlemen on this site who could enter ###### on the subject line and ******* as the message and get at least 10 replies in the first 10 minutes. Again, not a complaint, but an observation that as "enlightened" as we may believe ourselves to be, we too succumb to basic human nature and the propensity to herd and form cliques. At this point of time at GCA.com, the clear preference is for the contemporary work of Doak, C & C, maybe Gil Hanse, and that of the "old masters" MacKenzie, Tillinghast, Macdonald & Raynor, Thomas, Ross, Flynn and Thompson. Pretty good choices I might add, but why limit ourselves?