I've got to tell you, I've read this thread and, while there may be some truth to some of the things being said, there is quite a bit sounds like grade school whining to me . . .
"Why is Everybody Picking On Me?" We are supposed to be a participants in
discussion group about golf course architecture. More specifically, an exploration of "key tenets" of gca which "have stood the test of time," in an attempt to understand "why some courses are more fascinating than others, and [] why such courses continually beckon for a return game." Lofty goals, and impossible to approach even if we feel free to view each others words critically, and to test and challenge each others' ideas, opinions, and observations.
Yet more and more participants chafe at the first sign of criticism. Take this thread for example. Cary says he is disgusted with the bashing and negativity and is apparently contemplating whether his participation is welcome, or even worth his effort. The hideous thread that put him over the top? The Black Rock Photos thread. I read this thread, and frankly I am baffled that this thread could put anyone over the top. Take a look . . .
http://www.golfclubatlas.com/forums2/index.php?board=1;action=display;threadid=19037This is the terrible thread that is driving these people away? Where's the bashing? Where's the mean spiritedness? Who was personally attacked? A few attempts at humor yes, but bashing? Give me a break.
I've a feeling that the thread which really put Cary over the top wasnt this thread, but the other Jim Engh thread. That was the thread where Cary, calling himself "Bold," listed two Jim Engh courses (Lakota and Black Rock) on a short list of the very best courses in the world. Surprise, surprise . . . people disagreed. Some moreso than others. Now Cary is upset that his views are unaccepted and unappreciated, and thinks our disagreement must be a result of our narrowmindedness. But what did Cary expect? When one makes the sort of Bold statement Cary made, shouldn't be expect-- even welcome-- some pretty strong questions and criticism? Isn't the only reason he would call his own statement "bold" is that even he knew what he was saying was controversial and was bound to stir up controversy?
That kind of conversation is good for this site, not bad for it. At least it could be good for it if Cary was actually willing to defend his opinions without a persecution complex.
"Nah, Nah, Na, Boo, Boo, I Know More Than You Do." You all know what I am talking about . . .
"listen pardnerr, its soooooo easy for you to armchair quarterback like a fat lazy mullah whose rubber has never hit the road . . . "The fact is, experience is great, but discussions are much more about analysis than merely observations. Yet Matt and others think that their knowledge base trumps everyone. While I commend Matt for seeing what he has seen, I wish he understood that this does not automatically make him correct. And it is not just Matt. Just the other day I was told by a well respected poster that
he knew more about golf than I do, as if that somehow made him right and me wrong. I am tired of hearing people tell me how much they know. Rather than repeatedly blowing their own horn, I wish they put that knowledge to use by making cogent, well-supported, and pertinent points.
"If You Like Him So Much, Why Don't You Marry Him?" Miminimalism (or whatever you want to call it) is popular around her, but there is at least one other school of thought that is almost as popular, and again it is straight from the playgroud. We are treated to an almost daily whining about how
the other kids like Billy and Tommy best . . . It's not fairrrrrrr . . . Lately, this juvenile wail has become almost deafening . . . They are "Doak's Butt Boys," They "worship the Ground C&C walk on," the popular kids get all the breaks.
The problem with this never-ending whimpering is, again, it completely lacks substantive value, at least if substance is measured by advancing the topic at hand, whatever it may be. It is just another way to avoid taking a real position, supported by the real world.
Don't like what someone says about a course you like? Dont bother addressing the points and backing up your argument with relevant factual support. Instead just call that someone biased. Call him a butt boy. Dismiss his points outright as biased. Whatever you do, dont actually take on the opinion as is. Don't believe me? We hardly have to leave this thread to see it:
--Photos were recently posted of an unfinished Doak course. Cary is apparently estatic, so excited about tattle-telling on our pro-Doak bias that he cant even wait until we have seen the actual course . . .
"If you examine the photos of Stone Eagle, it appears there is containment and waterfalls, 2 no no's that because Doak is now doing them have just become brilliant."In fact, no one has called the waterfalls or the supposed containment at Stone Eagle "brilliant." Hardly anyone has even the course, and no one has seen the course anywhere near finished. Yet Cary just knows that we are already biased.
Ironically, the only comments I remember on these water features were when Doak first brought up the possibility, and people were quite negative. Doak called them narrow-minded for judging them before seeing them. Apparently we are biased if we do like them, biased if we dont.
Moreover, these blanket claims of bias are absolutely all Cary has to offer here. I challenged him to find the man-made containment in the photos. I asked him to compare the supposed containment in the photos with that at Black Rock. He thought I picked on him in the Engh thread by challenging his placement of Black Rock among the best in the world, so he didnt want to play with me anymore. My theory is that he never wanted to seriously discuss Stone Eagle, but rather just wanted to throw some more unfounded claims of bias around.
Of Course Matt Ward repeatedly does the same thing. Above on this thread, for example . . .
"The discussion that's taken place regarding Jim Engh is a good example. You have people weighing in on the totality of what the man is capable in doing either from photos or from limited personal sampling of his actual courses. The "talent" that it takes to do such a keen anaylsis is beyond words."Who are all these unnamed lazybones' drawing these generalizations? There must be a lot of them, based on how much Matt brings it up! Where is this "weighing in on the totality" of his capabilities? Where is all this talking out of school? In fact, in the recent Jim Engh discussions, most have been very specific about what they have played and what they havent. It has become a sort of "Wardian Disclaimer" that better be in every post, or Matt will lecture you for a half page.
More importantly, Matt's now-cliched accusation adds absolutely nothing to any any substantive discussion of golf course architecture. To the contrary, if you disagree with Matt, he summarily dismisses you as biased, and refuses to talk to you anymore. I know because he has done it to me and others repeatedly. For example in the Engh thread he mentions, I repeatedly asked Matt whether certain features prevalent at Black Rock also existed at other of Engh's courses. He refused to answer. I asked him repeatedly how these features figured into his analysis of Black Rock. He refused to answer. I've explored similar avenues with Matt in the past, and always, he refuses to answer.
But these are legitimate questions, aimed at understand Engh and his courses. Apparently, Matt would rather call me and others biased, than actually discuss what we've seen and what he has seen.
Matt and Cary are not alone. How often do we hear about Fazio Bashing on this site? How often do we hear that Fazio is not given a fair shake in these discussions? But whenever anyone tries to start a conversation about Fazio that contains even a hint of negativity, the merits are set aside for a long drawn out session about Fazio bashing. In fact, not even Fazio can discuss Fazio without being called a Fazio basher! A while back, I repeatedly tried to discuss some of the design principles discussed in his book, and my comments were repeatedly dismissed as stereotypical and biased! I tried to engage those who support the man in a detailed discussion of his writings and got zero takers. None. None of those claiming bias were even willing to discuss his own book! Imagine me claiming that everyone is biased against MacKenzie, but then refusing to discuss Spirit of Saint Andrews. Outrageous.
The problem with these constant claims of bias? They are cop outs. They fail to advance the discussion. They are merely distractions and smoke screens.
Dont get me wrong. I am not saying that people are always open-minded. I know I am not. But when my narrow-mindedness leads me to an incorrect conclusion, it ought to be easy enough to correct me based on the merits, rather than constantly running to the teacher claiming I like Billy more than Tommy.
I'm just getting started, but my hands are tired and I am sure anyone who has disagreed me has already dismissed me without seriously considering a word I have written. For those still following along, watch what happens now. Watch Matt tell us how great he is. Watch Cary tell me how mean I am.