Dear Coward,
Perhaps you should have singled out TEPaul who brought my name into this thread, against my will.
I'm aware of Tim Liddy's credentials.
Viewing an auto wreck is one thing, participating in it another.
There is a thread on books to read, either under libraries or a similar title. Unfortunately, the search function doesn't work to well, so you're going to have to manually scan through the pages. I'd start at # 30 and work toward # 1. If it's not there, go back to # 50 to # 31 and so on. There are an abundance of wonderful books that can be very helpful in the ongoing learning process.
I can't speak for others, but I've learned far more from different or dissenting opinions, then I have from supporting opinions.
I may take a position as a devil's advocate to encourage discussion, which is what the replies # is all about.
You will notice that some threads have 0 replies, informing you that viewers didn't find the thread worthy of discussion.
TEPaul and I are paid to "beat the bushes" in an attempt to promote discussion. Unfortunately, I'm only paid by the response, he got involved with GCA much earlier, and got a sweeter deal, one that pays him by the word.
Welcome to the site, and good luck.
P.S. You'll find that your credibility is enhanced and that you put yourself on an equal footing with other recognized posters when you post under your real name. There is nothing to be so ashamed about that you don't identify yourself, despite what Chipoat says.