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mark chalfant

Wykagyl or Siwanoy
« on: June 09, 2005, 10:40:22 PM »
Both courses have good land,neat short 4s, and fun par fives
complicated by streams.Althogh Siwanoys greens may have
more artistic contours, I slightly prefer Wykagyl for its
challenge, quirk, and its great strech from 10-15.
any thoughts from others would be great, thanks !

Geoffrey Childs

Re:Wykagyl or Siwanoy
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2005, 10:49:35 PM »

I live but 5 minutes from the first tee of both courses.  I love Siwanoy for its variety and use of diagonal lines of play and hazard lines. I could probably be very happy with a regular diet of golf there.

I have not played Wykagyl but it looks very interesting from Quaker Ridge Road and North Avenue.

mark chalfant

Re:Wykagyl or Siwanoy
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2005, 08:19:57 PM »
Geoofreythanks. Wykagyl is rugged wtih several fine elevated green sites. In addition  its a great driving course that requires position for proper angle. Also some times its better to club down to have a better look instead of bombing away
 to end up with a hanging lie.The routing is rich in variety with
virtually no parallel holes, and a 5-8-5 par distribution. Id
love to hear others thoughts.

Guy Corcoran, Jr

Re:Wykagyl or Siwanoy
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2005, 04:17:20 PM »
Mark, I know this thread is old but... I had the pleasure of playing Wykagyl on Saturday and have played Siwanoy countless times this summer. And with a gun to my head I'd have to say Wykagyl. The club is going through a lengthening process this fall. Someone mentioned C & C but I find that hard to believe. Arthur Hills did a renovation in '94.
