> Golf Course Architecture

Reasonable green speed

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This happens every year at our local muni......they have the greens at a resonable 7 on the stimp up until July gets close......then the super dials it back to around 4.

These are LARGE mature greens.....and have tons of grass......

We made the turn at 10am this morning and no one was on the 1st hole or wanting to tee off.....I keep telling the pro and division of golf whay but they will not listen.

All the golfers at this course are nice but it is time for greener pastures.


Sean Remington (SBR):
 It may be worth getting in touch with the super.  Being a muni maybe there are factors working against him that deter a quicker stimp reading into summer.  Maybe his budget won't allow for overtime that might be needed for an afternoon syringe.  Faced with these challenges and others, keeping the grass longer after July 1 may be the best option.    
  Municipalities tend to be big government and a superiendent might be pretty far down in the food chain.  He might need your help.

Good luck,

Brad Klein:
4 does sound a bit extreme. Perhaps you exaggerate for literary flourish.

It would help to know what kind of turfgrass you have (I assume Poa annua) and whether there is adequate sunlight and air getting to them or whether the greens are heavily shaded. If they are Poa annua, and if they are heavily shaded, and if the soil is poorly training clay (i.e. older, push up greens) then he might be preventing summer wilt and anthracnose by letting them go on the long side. Or he might be a blooming idiot who needs a swift kick in the rear.

W.H. Cosgrove:
Noonan, what part of the country do you live in?  If Brad is correct in assuming Poa surfaces, heat would be a real problem.  What are greens fees?  Is the course supporting the local parks system? And is the reading correct or as Brad suggests are you taking some literary liberties?

If properly operated, there is every reason to beleive that this course could be an asset to your community.  Bremeton and Spokane Washington both supply excellent golf to their communities at reasonable prices.  The Bremerton program literallly pays for the entire park system of the city.  

Keep at it you may find a way to benefit your community and get better golf.

I am in southern Ohio.....the greens get plenty of air and water.....they are sitting on the city of Dayton wellfield.

They just refuse to lower the mowers.....

An honest assesment of the speed is probably 6.

The short putts are impossible due to having to hammer them.

The super is too lazy to water the course in the summer and burns up the fairways every year.

The pro shop takes care of the range tees and water them bi weekly and they are lush all year.

The grass grows over the sprinkler heads in the fairways from non use.



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