I always ask people who tell superintendents what to do, if they tell their heart, back or brain surgeons how to conduct surgery as well.
You hire professionals for a good reason, to provide the knowledge and experience that you don't possess.
And, if you don't listen to their advice on matters of agronomy, you shouldn't be on the committe or board, and that includes the Chairman.
Philip Young,
I would disagree with your example.
There was a clear choice and the prudent one was made.
All too often greens shrink because of benign neglect.
Brad Klein,
There are certain clubs where the membership has great, if not complete, confidence in the motives and abilities of the green committee, and as such, don't require lines of communication, for consent or any other reason.
Pine Valley, Seminole, Friar's Head, Hidden Creek, Sand Hills, ANGC and others come to mind. But, these are GOLF clubs and enjoy a special relationship with their members.