> Golf Course Architecture Discussion Group
distance markers, what's best?
Pete Lavallee:
I'll go with Kirby markers as the best also. You're always within 12.5 paces of one, their on the side of the fairway like 90% of the players who use them and their pyramid shape makes them visable to the 10% of players lucky enough to be in the middle. Very unobtrusive and with one every 25 yards from 250 to 75 yards they cover almost every possiblity.
Tim McManus:
I think Kirbys on the sides combined with a 150 pole in the middle of the fairway speeds up play and gives all the information any club player should ever need. take out the poles if you must, but I would much prefer people take 2 seconds to look at a pole than god knows how long to study a yardage book before hitting a tee shot.
The marker is on the right side of the fairway. My guess is 280 ish. I guess it could be updated to " A good 3 wood-Tiger".
Kirk Gill:
In a best-case-scenario, I like the idea of golf with no carts or yardage markers, where repeated play would yield the knowledge of where to hit it, and what club to use, etc. I like the idea of a golf course design that might trick me - the lay of the land convincing me that a bunker is right next to the green when it's 50 yards short, or that a fairway landing area is narrow when it's really wide...........
So much for fantasy land. As ludicrous as it is to watch a 23 handicapper pace of his distance from a marked sprinkler head, it's part of the game now. I like sprinkler markers because they're unobtrusive, and the old fashioned 150-yard stick sitting calmly 10 yards outside the fairway. A course I play uses a dwarf pine (gasp !) for 150 yard markers, and I haven't managed to hit behind one of them yet.........
Steve Curry:
--- Quote from: Brad Klein on July 07, 2005, 08:51:58 PM ---I'm a big fan of dead or dying spuce trees at about 157 out on one side of the fairway and 148 on the other. Gives nice definition to the fairways.
--- End quote ---
I prefer a stump at those dimensions..
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