I have read here that Dubsdread has taken a real beating.
That being said, it is still, perhaps, the second-best completely PUBLIC access course, behind Bethpage Black, that I have ever seen.
Shivas mentions the silica sand. It was amazing. A real ball-buster. I have mentioned on many previous threads how they took all the 'teeth' out of the course when the Western Open came to town here. It used to be a really hard course. No longer. Because PGA standards require perfect bunkers, perfect greens, perfect fairways - a lot has changed. And for the worse, I might add.
They cleaned out all the brush along the edges, removed the 'impossible' white sand, and, for all intents and purposes, made the course much easier.
That being said, Greg mentions:
>I wonder if the Western plans to stay at Cog Hill.
I wonder also. It's hard to beat 46,000 fans on a Sunday there. However, Butler is probably a better test. But, they too are gunning for an Open, apparently.
In the '60's, the Western rotated between Beverly, Olympia Fields, Medinah, etc. Personally, now that these courses have gotten their act together, through either restoration or renovation, I would LOVE to see the Western go back to a rotation.
I think the pro's would appreciate seeing something different every few years, and the fans would as well.
No more:
> Dubsdread was interesting the first few years, but I find watching it now that the holes have a tiresome similarity and no real distinction in most cases.