Now Tom MacWood is stating that Ross never MEANT that Seminole was FLAT, that it was a benign statement by Ross and only indicative of a small portion of the golf course.
And, that his staunch, if not BLIND, support of the alleged statement that Seminole was FLAT, never happened.
Tom MacWood offered up the quote as FACT.
As irrefutable evidence that Seminole is FLAT, despite the fact that Tom MacWood has never seen Seminole, and only an uninformed fool would describe the golf course as FLAT.
But, because the quote is alleged to be from Ross, MacWood claimed it to be infallible. And, this is his problem.
He deems his reference material as the gospel, and discards anyone else's reference material as invalid, or questionable at best. Hence, this SHOULD be a good lesson for him with respect to accepting alleged quotes as irrefutably correct.
However, I doubt that he'll see the error of his ways.
He's like the man who's wrong on an issue, yet redoubles their effort to try to show that they are right.
You've played Seminole hundreds of times.
Can you imagine anyone, including Ray Charles, claiming that the golf course was flat ?
The approach shots into holes # 2 and # 11 are two of the most elevated approach shots you'll ever hit, and the views from the 4th green, the 7th and 12th tee, situated high above the golf course in front of you, are some of the most impressive views in all of Florida, not to mention the views from the 17th and 18th tees.
Now that Tom MacWood has re-interpreted Ross's remark about Seminole, perhaps he should reflect and reassess Ross's alleged remark about Aronomink.
Or, does he offer Ross's comments as being 100 % accurate, in words, intent and context ?
First he tells us that Ross said that Aronomink was a championship course, that it exceeded his expectations, and that that statement is proof positive that Ross and Ross alone reconfigured the bunkers at Aronomink, deviating from his detailed hole by hole design plans.
When questioned about other possibilities, MacWood dismisses them, stating that Ross must have reconfigured them because he praised the finished product.
A rather gratuitous leap of faith, if not logic.
Yet, when it comes to Ross's alleged comment about Seminole, first he offers it up as irrefutable. Then, when it's clearly demonstrated that the alleged comment is inaccurate, or false, he sloughs it off, claiming it was a benign comment.
Then he states that the quote isn't what Ross really meant.
Yet, he continues to discount or dismiss the possibility that Ross's alleged comment about Aronomink might be more of the same, a benign, general comment taken out of context.
And that it offers NO PROOF that Ross reconfigured the bunkers at Aronomink, deviating from his own detailed design plans and written instructions.
That he continued to claim that Seminole was FLAT, in the face or irrefutable evidence to the contrary, indicates that he can't admit when he's wrong.
It's also indicative of his failure to VERIFY reference material, choosing to offer up his research as THE WORD on any subject.
Anyone who plays that golf course recognizes in an instant, or at least by the approach shot on # 2, that the golf course is far from FLAT.
MacWood's research is flawed. His methods are flawed and therefore some of his conclusions are flawed.
It's been my observation that he reaches his conclusions first, and then selectively researches the subject to support his position, to the exclusion of reporting information that differs from his conclusion. And, that's intellectually dishonest and makes him and his research a fraud.
He claims that Aronomink and Ron Prichard didn't do enough research yet he offers his views on Seminole without doing one iota of research on the golf course. I had to do his research for him and provide him with the terra server topo.
And, even then, in the face of irrefutable evidence that Seminole wasn't FLAT, he still tried to claim that it was FLAT, because, amongst other reasons, it was in Florida, and Ross is alleged to have said so.
One would think that he would at least abide by the research standards that he demands of others.
Can you imagine stating that Seminole is a FLAT golf course ?
You'd have to be an uninformed moron to buy into that statement, but, as P.T Barnum said, "there's a sucker born every minute", and I guess it was Tom MacWood's time.