Gentlemen (and I use that term loosely

Thanks for all the feedback.
I usually get out to Sioux Falls twice a year in my new job, and although I don't have a planned trip imminent, I've been scouting for possible places to play within a reasonable drive. (My last time there I drove to Sutton Bay and back, somewhat crazily, but glad to have done it!).
I did see where Champions was done by Jeff Brauer which definitely had me interested and if Jeff is still talking to me after my comments on the Giant's Ridge thread, I'd really enjoy playing another of his courses. THANKS for the kind offer.
The Field Club sounds pretty cool, especially since it was built originally in 1898. Do you know what architects were involved there over the years? It certainly sounds like the low-key, in the know choice in town.
On the other hand, I've been a closet Stiles/Van Kleek fan since I was a kid vacationing in Brigantine, NJ and playing their course in that town. I actually had no idea they did work that far from the east coast so I'm really curious to see what's left.
Leave it to you to give me the real skinny on Maxwell's involvement! It sounds as though he probably didn't get too much of a chance to make a positive impact, but if I found one or two internal green poofs it would probably be worth the trip!
I'll update you when I get some travel plans together. Thanks again for such helpful posts.